DALLE Powered Cartoon Generator

Guided project tutorial

DALL·E is an AI model developed by OpenAI that generates digital images from natural language descriptions. In this project you are going to integrate DALL·E image generation into a simple front end web application using the OpenAI API. The application will be a simple form in which you enter a "subject" and get a cartoon image of this subject drawn for you:

What You Will Learn

  • Calling the OpenAI API from TypeScript
  • 💬 DALLE-3 prompts on OpenAI
  • AWS Lambda cloud functions in TypeScript
  • Basic front end in React + TypeScript
  • Fetch API and displaying image urls
  • CSS Variables + Flexbox

AI Coding Tutor

This project includes an AI assistant that will answer questions, offer further information, and give you hints if you get stuck.

You can also find the full solution to this project at github.com/traintocode/projects-cartoon-generator. You are going to start with the back end by Creating A Basic Lambda


Back End

Front End

After completing all the lessons above you will have a complete project! You can download your progress as a .ZIP file at any time