DALL·E is an AI model developed by OpenAI that generates digital images from natural language descriptions. In this project you are going to integrate DALL·E image generation into a simple front end web application using the OpenAI API. The application will be a simple form in which you enter a "subject" and get a cartoon image of this subject drawn for you:
The project is completed by following the interactive lessons which you can navigate on the left. Each lesson will guide you to code the next stage of the project.
Some of the exercises are deliberately vague to encourage you to expriment, but if you get stuck you can ask for hints or guidance from the AI assistant.
You can download your progress at any time by clicking this button in the page footer.
You can also find the full solution to this project at github.com/traintocode/projects-cartoon-generator. You are going to start with the back end by Creating A Basic Lambda