
Styled Components

Styled-components, a popular library for styling React components, can be seamlessly integrated with TypeScript. By default, styled-components infer types from the styled HTML elements. However, you can explicitly define types for props passed to styled components.

For instance, if you have a styled button and want to pass a 'primary' boolean prop to alter its style, you can define a type for the prop:

type ButtonProps = {
  primary: boolean;

const StyledButton = styled.button<ButtonProps>`
  background-color: ${(props) => (props.primary ? 'blue' : 'gray')};
  color: white;

This approach ensures that only the specified types are passed to your styled components, catching potential issues at compile-time rather than runtime.

Add two props to the StyledDiv styled component for bgColor and fontSize. Use these two props to defined the style values.

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